Kopernikus-syndromet, stiller spørsmålet om det er menneskene, eller solsystemet, som rår over klimaet. Måling av stråling fra solen. Forestillingen om en perfekt konstant sol, har...
Hvorfor svikter klimamodellene, er klimaet styrbart og kan politisk motivert sosioøkonomiske betraktninger legges til grunn for styring av klimaet? Jakten på noe forutsigbart Francis Bacon...
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index is a weather and climate indicator. The NAO index signature has stationary periods of 37, 74 and 112 years...
Records from seal hunters, fishermen and Arctic explorers have contributed to Barents Sea ice edge position data series that covers a period of 440 years....
The Solar Activity has deterministic periods controlled by the large planets. The periods have a coincidence to the warn period from 1925 to 2015 and...
The Solar Irradiation Clock (SIC) is turning, The Winter is Coming. SIC is a Total Solar Irradiation (TSI) indicator based on identified stationary periods in...
A sustainable management of the Barents Sea ecosystem is dependent on the period- and phase-relation between lunar-driven biomass variability, and biomass management variability. A sustainable...